.принцессы не пукают!
Actually here are two dawgiez and quite scary.. Well they might be for somebody(=
Next one is not actually a dog, but not less cute than the one on the first pic.. This is the Werewolf by Tavary (also from deviantart.com). I like his body and even his dick, you perverts..
This one (my favourite) is a Black Dog "created" by Emryswolf (deviantart.com). I really like it's eyes.. And fur.. or... what's supposed to be fur.. And pawprints.. A-ha^^^
Next one is not actually a dog, but not less cute than the one on the first pic.. This is the Werewolf by Tavary (also from deviantart.com). I like his body and even his dick, you perverts..
Enjoy, my bunniez! ^_______________________^
Остаетяс только догадываться, по каким ты там сайтам лазаешь, что такие картинки находишь
но работы классные, меня прут) оборотень выполен в манере, я бы сказал, "классика жанра". вот такой у меня асоциативный центр в голове=)